An image of a powder and a platinum plate displayed on a wooden surface - Sabin Metal Corporation Images


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A series of images showing the process of a gold bar being made. - Sabin Metals - Precious Metal Refining

Sampling at Sabin Metal Corporation

Received customer materials are processed as needed to remove contamination and homogenized. Appropriate sampling is conducted to obtain representative samples for Sabin, customer, umpire and reserve.

Assay Tested at Separate Labs

Samples are analyzed by Sabin and the customer (if client wishes to do so).

Assay Exchange

Once the Sabin lab and the customer’s lab are ready, a simultaneous exchange of assay results takes place.

If the two assays differ by amounts equal to or less than the agreed tolerance (or “splitting limit”) set forth with the contract, the basis for the final settlement shall be the average of the two assays.

Potential Umpire

If the two assays differ by more than the “splitting limit”, the umpire sample is sent to a mutually agreed third-party lab for analysis.

Final Settlement

When the umpire analysis has been completed, the basis for the final settlement shall be determined by the procedure indicated below.

Delivery (Physical/Electronic Transfer)

A. Sabin can arrange for the physical return or an electronic transfer of the accountable metals. Depending upon the customer’s chosen location for physical delivery, transportation charges may apply.

B. Sell the accountable metals to Sabin Metal Corporation. Metal pricing will be determined on a mutually agreed date after the settlement is finalized.

C. Sabin can hold the accountable metals balance in the client’s designated metal pool account.

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All Resources
October 23, 2024

The cost of service represents a small fraction of your precious metal value

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October 23, 2024

Why you should observe the weighing and sampling of your material

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October 23, 2024

All precious metal refiners are not the same

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Know what matters

Learn more about precious metal refining and how to get the highest possible return.

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Free in-plant evaluation

Our experts will identify ways to maximize precious metal recovery in your operations.

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Bars of raw metal.- Sabin Metals - Precious Metal RefiningSpark- Sabin Metals - Precious Metal RefiningFive test tubes holding a variety of metal samples. - Sabin Metals - Precious Metal Refining
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